To advance, promote, and protect the benefits, interests, and well-being of North Carolina’s retired state and local public servant.
Keep our members and their needs at the forefront of everything we do.
Be principled in all interactions with members, decision-makers, and the public.
Work with other organizations and individuals who share our common goals.
Celebrate and reflect the individual differences and demographics of our members in all aspects of our work.
To advance, promote, and protect the benefits, interests, and well-being of North Carolina’s retired state and local public servant.
To expand the policy agenda & influence through a compelling vision, leadership, and the intentional engagement of stakeholders.
To become a more service-oriented organization by expanding informational & educational offerings.
To become a relationship-centric organization through more local opportunities for engagement.
To build the association's capacity to expand strategic use of digital communications to better engage membership.
To strengthen awareness of the association among pre-retirees through partnerships and target outreach.
To strengthen the public perception of public service and servants.
RGEA (Retired Government Employees Association) works to advance, promote, and defend the rights, interests, and welfare of retired state and local government employees of North Carolina and their families.
RGEA was founded as “胜博发娱乐app下载” in 1971 by a group of retired state and local governmental employees in the Raleigh area with the goal of establishing an organization that would exclusively represent the interests of retirees. Other organizations, such as the State Employees Association of NC (SEANC) and the NC Association of Educators (NCAE), included state retirees in their fields of membership. However, these groups’ primary focus was on pay and benefits for active employees.
Today, RGEA is one of the largest lobbying associations in the nation for retired state and local government retirees.
© 2025 Retired Government Employees Association. All Rights Reserved.